Entries by ryan kesner

How Custom Material Handling Devices Can Promote a Safe Workplace

Investing in a custom material handling devices is a smart decision that will pay off in the form of a safer workplace with fewer injuries. Regardless of industry, there’s always a risk of worker injury and fatality. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that an estimates 3.8 million workers suffered nonfatal occupational injuries in 2012.

Top 5 Benefits of Using Custom Material Handling Devices

Investing in custom material handling devices for your workplace will result in happier, more satisfied employees. Workers will appreciate having a new piece of equipment to perform their tasks. Whether it’s lifting a large cylindrical drum, or manipulating an awkwardly shaped piece of sheet metal, these are just a few of the many ways in which material handling devices can be used.

Material Handling Storage Hazards

When storing materials in the workplace, workers must take certain precautions to minimize the risk of injury. Unfortunately, many workers turn a blind eye to the nuances of material storage, assuming it poses no concern to them. It’s not until an incident actually occurs that they realize the importance of proper material handling storage practices.